snohomish family photographer

Dunham Family | Rattlesnake Lake Family Session | Seattle Family Photographer


It’s that time of year - the time for boots and vests, pumpkin spiced stuff and lots of family photos. As a photographer specializing in birth stories and working on call, I don’t photograph nearly the number of families as I used to. Still, it is nice to get outdoors, to complete a session in an hour, to drive home with the setting sun instead of the rising one.

Rattlesnake Lake is an especially stunning location this time of year. The awesome stumps that are normally hidden under water are exposed, creating these cool sculptural elements. The trees are green and gold and the kiddos aren’t yet FREEZING - just cold enough for a little rosy cheek action.

There are only 2 more family sessions left in my schedule for 2019 - snag your spot today and let’s have some fun at the intersection of art and memory!