seattle lifestyle photographer

Dunham Family | Rattlesnake Lake Family Session | Seattle Family Photographer


It’s that time of year - the time for boots and vests, pumpkin spiced stuff and lots of family photos. As a photographer specializing in birth stories and working on call, I don’t photograph nearly the number of families as I used to. Still, it is nice to get outdoors, to complete a session in an hour, to drive home with the setting sun instead of the rising one.

Rattlesnake Lake is an especially stunning location this time of year. The awesome stumps that are normally hidden under water are exposed, creating these cool sculptural elements. The trees are green and gold and the kiddos aren’t yet FREEZING - just cold enough for a little rosy cheek action.

There are only 2 more family sessions left in my schedule for 2019 - snag your spot today and let’s have some fun at the intersection of art and memory!

Brimhall Family | Seattle Family Photographer


Calling all Seattle families! Bring your chubby babies, bring your blankets and meet me on the beach. Even if the sun refuses to peek out, we'll have a grand time. Those rolls, those eyes - have you ever seen a cuter baby?!

Making the Case for Summer Sessions | Seattle Family Photographer


Summer is magical. As a family photographer in Seattle it's simply heaven. The sun is out everyday, the golden light of evening wraps around subjects and the miles of coastline make a perfect backdrop for capturing family memories.

Family photos normally pop up on people's radars in the fall - gotta get those holiday cards out! But I'm always making the case for the summertime portrait session. To me, summer epitomizes what it felt like to be a child. Carefree, fun-loving, staying outside until the sun goes down. This is the energy I capture in summer sessions - and I can't get enough.

It's dry, it's warm, there's time for dinner before your session. It's the perfect reason to keep the kids up a little late and make memories in front of my camera. I only have two summer family sessions left in 2018. Book yours today!


Evangeline Newborn - Seattle Newborn Photographer

Sweet Evangeline was born so fast I didn't get many images on the night of her birth - but we more than made up for it with her newborn session. I LOVE this gorgeous family - their graciousness and their honest connection with each other. This shoot sums up my approach to photographing newborns. The images are relaxed and REAL and they include all the sweet details of diaper changes and breastfeeding and family snuggles. I feel so honored when families invite me into their postpartum bubble to capture these memories. I'm excited to watch this family grow together for many years to come.

I love to photograph mamas and their babies from behind. That's how I always remember my babies. Staring down at them from that perspective for so many hours - you wonder if you can hold every detail of their faces forever in your mind. A photo like…

I love to photograph mamas and their babies from behind. That's how I always remember my babies. Staring down at them from that perspective for so many hours - you wonder if you can hold every detail of their faces forever in your mind. A photo like this feel like a memory.

Look how much she changed in just a few days! Great Grandma came to town and I just had to grab a photo of these two holding hands.

Look how much she changed in just a few days! Great Grandma came to town and I just had to grab a photo of these two holding hands.
