seattle fresh 48

Meeting Baby Brother: Fresh 48 Session at Swedish First Hill Hospital | Seattle Birth Photographer


I don’t remember meeting my little brother. He’s just been there in my memory as far back as it goes. But the story in my family is that I was thrilled to greet him at the hospital and then announced as it was time to leave as a family, “Baby no go home. Baby stay here!” Apparently, my 18 month old self knew that as adorable as this infant was, it wouldn’t be a great idea to bring him home and mess up the good thing I had going.

Many families opt for a Fresh48 Session specifically to capture that precious first meeting of siblings. I always try to temper expectations. It’s a lot for a toddler to take in and is completely normal for them to not show a lot of interest in the baby at first. They need time to warm up and adjust. Some siblings, though, are READY to hold that baby. And these moments are so powerful! These photos offer a peek into the moment their bond first began - a bond they will share throughout their lives. I’m so fortunate to document these priceless memories for my clients.

Get a load of those adorable peely feet. Newborn toes get me every time!

I love documenting what life FEELS like for a family at the various stages of their life together. And soothing a little one while slightly bigger one crawls all over you with snacks - there’s not much that’s more “mother of 2 kids” than that.

If you’d like to schedule a Fresh48 session for your upcoming birth, send me a message and let’s make it happen!

Evangeline's Birth Story | Seattle Birth Photographer

Evangeline's mama knew she could do it. She knew that the women who came before her had done it and she knew the same power they exercised lived within her. LeAnna knew how to listen to her body, and to let it guide her through the contractions. Russell also knew she could do it and continued cooking Christmas dinner while she labored in their apartment. Upon arrival to the hospital LeAnna heard that she was completely effaced but not yet dilated. Still, she knew. She knew her baby was coming. It was less than two hours later that I got the call to come to the hospital. I could hear all the hustle and bustle in the background as Russell told me they were checked into their room and I just KNEW delivery was imminent. I was going to miss it.

No one could have guessed that a first time mama would dilate so quickly. That her baby would be born 35 minutes after my phone rang, 10 minutes before I arrived in the delivery room. But LeAnna knew she could do it and Evangeline knew exactly when and how she wanted to be born. This little Christmas miracle - this speeding bullet of a baby. She was welcomed by her parents, a breathless doula and smiling midwife. The strength of her mama (and the mothers before) brought her earthside. We all knew she could do it. And she did.