tacoma hospital

Oakley's Birth Story | Seattle Birth Photographer


I’m always excited for my clients who are expecting babies. But when they’ve struggled with infertility - well, it feels like an especially great honor to be invited to capture their story. Samantha and Brandon had been hoping and praying and waiting for their little girl and now it was finally time to meet her!

Though there was a scheduled C-Section date, Oakley decided she didn’t want to wait that long and we were all surprised when Sam’s water broke. Brandon was called home from work, I was called and we met up at the hospital for the completely surreal experience of waiting to welcome earth’s newest little human.

There was time for a phone call with grandma-to-be to share laughter and tears - all the anticipation of the great moments just head. And then it was off to the operating room!

This is four generations of women in one image - thanks to modern technology. I may have cried just teensy bit. And look at that little squish face! I just can’t handle it.

Welcome, sweet Oakley. You are absolutely the best gift your parents could have ever received. xoxo


You’ll notice I took no images of the actual C-section this time around. This hospital had a policy of absolutely no photographers in the OR (not for Sam’s lack of trying or advocacy), but I was there to capture every moment before and after and to coach Brandon on what he should photograph in the OR.

Clients who book me realize that birth is a STORY and that I am artful storyteller. However your child arrives and whatever policies and practices are in place at your hospital, it’s important to remember that birth is so much more than the moment a baby emerges. It’s really the birth of a family. The birth of parents. The hours leading up to welcoming your child and the ones spent getting acquainted. However your birth unfolds - your story is worth documenting.

Message me with your questions - check my availability, and let’s have a conversation about capturing this priceless moment for your family.